With this week’s revelation of a foot fetish video starring Rex Ryan and his wife, the Jets franchise took another step away from being a credible NFL franchise, and towards being a low budget softcore porn hub. Deadspin is becoming the proverbial thorn in the Jets side, albeit somewhat by their own doing. The recent surfacing of Rex’s scandal begs the question: Who was/is the biggest pervert in recent Jets history? The following narrative is an account of the argument FOR and AGAINST each previously proud man.
Brett Favre's "situation" with Jen Sterger blew up earlier this year. |
Earlier this year, the story broke about Brett Favre’s flirtatious texts with Jets media affiliate Jen Sterger. The married Favre had sent texts to Sterger hoping for a rendezvous off hours. Adding insult to injury, Favre’s wife Deanna is a cancer survivor, and fought a very public battle with Brett painted (by ESPN) as the perfect, supportive husband. The icing on the perv cake is the fact that Brett actually sent Sterger a picture of his genitals - the picture "leaked" out (at a convenient time for Sterger). Adding insult to injury for Favre is the fact that the Brett's package was apparently an itsy bitsy teenie weenie shriveled little... - you get the picture.
HOT DOG! Brett sent a different version to Jen Sterger |
Brett is being exploited (and some would say extorted) for his money and fame. This is a fact, no matter how much you think Brett is terrible. Jen Sterger clearly baited Favre by waiting almost 2 years to leak the pictures to Deadspin. Let me guess, Jen, you were spending the last 2 years recovering from the trauma of looking at Brett’s junk. Plus, boys will be boys, and Brett had spent a lot of time away from his wife that season with the New York Jets. His flirting was a product of that.
And here I thought Rex was just really into role play. Turns out he's a foot fetish guy. |
A foot fetish? That’s some serious sexual stuff. Most guys are into their wife’s face and body….but her feet? Rex became an icon to any sick foot-loving bastards that might be out there. He’s got somewhat of a brain in his head….enough to know how stupid it is to hold a job as a coordinator/coach and post videos of himself online that show him doing what he was doing. Let’s call a spade a spade…That was pretty embarrassing.
Is this what Rex's life is like on the Jets bye week? Or is this just the best picture I could find when I Google Imaged "foot fetish" |
He’s a good motivator who has his team at 10-4 on the season. The video that surfaced was Rex with his wife. HIS OWN WIFE. America can pass judgment on just how sick a foot fetish might be, but ultimately that’s his business with his wife. If he and his wife want to dress up and do freaky things, they can do so, because it’s his wife.
Brett Favre is clearly a bigger pervert. He sent texts to a woman who was not his wife, after his wife had been battling cancer. Even though the texts stayed dormant for 2 years, they still happened. Rex’s deal was pretty embarrassing (especially because of the bravado that follows him), but at least it was with his own wife. Why is Brett still lauded, revered, and respected on TV? (mostly by ESPN) Oh, that’s right, he has a southern drawl, charm, and fellates Chris Berman on a regular basis.
I concur.